Birch Trees
Birch trees proudly sport their scars. Each mark on their white skin is a reminder of lost branches and harm inflicted. The more scars the more majestic and beautiful they appear to us. I want to celebrate these scars, the ones we all have, physical and emotional, the ones that make us interesting, make us who we are. I want to bathe my trees in the light and colour that they deserve.
For the trunks, there are multiple sittings, I want the photo to catch them at their best angle in their best light. The phototransfer is stuck down on the canvas, left to dry and the paper backing is scraped off. Then I start painting. I love the contrast between the solid never changing trunk which I use in different paintings; and the fleeting foliage that is never the same twice, changing with the seasons and the time of day.

Sakura Series

Abscission Series

Breathe In / Breathe Out

October Skies Series

Refresh Series

August Series

Saturday Sun Series

Infinite Space Series

Sylvan Series

October Series

Equinox Series

Winding Down